Privacy Policy

The purpose of this privacy policy is to set out the principles governing our use of personal information that we may obtain about you.

By registering as a test person or as a user of our services we provide or by asking us information via mail or via newsletters, you agree to this use. We ask you to read this privacy policy carefully.

Collection & use of your personal data

UX Tool Hub may collect and store personally identifiable information such as your name or email address or other personal information received by mail, or by subscription to events, subscription to newsletters, subscription as a test person, or information received in your capacity as a supplier or client or future client, as long as it is voluntary submitted to us.

UX Tool Hub and the companies we hire will use this information to comply with your request for information or as otherwise disclosed to you when you submit your information.

We may use that information to contact you. We will not otherwise transfer the personally identifiable information you provide to us to any third party unless otherwise disclosed to you.

Communication By Mail

If you don’t like to receive mails in the future, please contact us by sending a mail to

Communication By Phone

If you ordered any of our services we may contact you about in an enquiry about custom satisfaction. We may also contact you to present new or related services . If you rather don’t like to be contacted by phone , please let us know by sending a mail to

Opt Out – Changing Information

You may ask us to delete any information about you and cease further contact at any time by sending us a request to the following email address:

If you want to change information, you can also send your request to:


We have a commitment to take reasonable steps to ensure the security of your information. To prevent unauthorized access, maintain data accuracy, and ensure the appropriate use of information, we have put into place appropriate physical, and electronic procedures to safeguard and secure information we collect online.

Children’s Privacy

Protecting the privacy of the young i.e. children under the age of 13, is especially important. For that reason, we never collect or maintain information at our site from those we actually know are under 13. If we work together with children in co creation workshops or other workshops and they need to provide us with some personal information, we ask that a parent or guardian of the child contact us first at, if they would like the information submitted by a child deleted from our database. We will deploy all reasonable efforts to delete such information from our database.

For additional information about our privacy policy, please contact: